5th Week: Narrative game

The Idea I thought to make an Interactive Text based Narrative game on the relationship between Father and Son. Then I am unable to make a concept on father and son, and I was wondering what to make this week. So I thought to make a game based on a situation where you don’t know what to make. This turned into a game on Game a Week Challenges.

Why this game?

Because I want to practice Narrative game design. And in the end I was so much excited on making a game on game a week challenges.

What went right?

Completed the game. One of the best thing I did this week was to try a genre that is so new to me.

What went wrong?

Wasted a lot of time watching movies. Scoped very big and ended up very small.

What I have learned?

Make something as soon as possible rather than thinking whether  the idea is good or bad. And play it, iterate on the game (If you like to play it). And write the post as soon as possible within the end of the week I need to complete the game as well as the post.

You can Play the game here: GWC (Game a Week Challenges)

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