4th Week: The Failure (My Lazziness)


I thought to make a Simple Physics Platformer, where I can learn some Physics in Programming point of view.

Why this game?

Simply to learn Physics based programming. Making the game using something like Box2d.

What went right?

Actually nothing, nothing went right expect to recognize the patterns I am working on and completing some unfinished projects. But there was no game this week.

What went wrong?

The idea, it’s not even born. It’s just a broken idea with no interesting decisions to make (at this point of time). I completed the basic movement in 2-3 days and that’s it after that I didn’t had the idea what to do, what to make. I wasted a lot of time watching movies and worrying.

What I have learned?

No matter what happen, I will make One game every week.

I understand, Why? I failed to make game this week, when I was thinking about last week game. Last week I had an idea, I was so inspired to make the game because I wanted to create that kind of experience for so long. That didn’t even feel like work, or a difficult task to do. I felt “Happy” and even “I feel like the game itself showing me how it wanted to be and how it can be more fun.” I feel like the game is talking to me and I am just developing it.

When it compared to this week game, I had no idea what the game will be and I am feel bored to develop a game that is not interesting to play and even to develop.

It is so important that Your Goal or Purpose to make this particular game should inspire you no matter how hard the journey is, (or) else You should enjoy the path you are walking on. 

No Game 😛

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